Socialization and Training of Ports Asset Management System Abarobotics to Hermina Hospitals Group

user_img Maulana Hanif Ghifari | 10 April 2023 | 1301


On Friday, March 10, 2023, the Abarobotics team held a socialization and training on the use of the Abarobotics Ports Asset Management System (PAMS) to 45 representatives of the Hermina Hospital (RS) management team throughout Indonesia. This activity was carried out through the Google Meet online meeting platform.

The purpose of this socialization and training activity is to create an understanding and synchronization in the use of PAMS to assess the condition of assets in Hermina hospitals throughout Indonesia. In its use, PAMS can help the management of Hermina Hospital to decide whether the asset condition is still suitable for use, needs repair, or even replacement.

This activity also aims to equip the management team of Hermina Hospital with knowledge and skills in asset management, especially in terms of maintenance and development of hospital assets. It is hoped that this socialization and training will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of asset use in Hermina hospitals throughout Indonesia.

The Abarobotics team, as resource persons, provided a complete explanation and guidance on the use of PAMS. In addition, they also opened a discussion and question and answer session to ensure a clear and in-depth understanding from the participants.

On this occasion, the management team of Hermina hospitals throughout Indonesia positively welcomed this activity and hoped that it could continue to be held on the next occasion. They are grateful for the opportunity provided by the Abarobotics team to increase the capacity and ability of asset management in Hermina hospitals throughout Indonesia.

With the implementation of this socialization and training activity, it is hoped that it will improve asset management at Hermina Hospitals throughout Indonesia and have a positive impact on the quality of health services provided. Hopefully, activities like this can continue to be carried out and provide benefits to all related parties.

#hermina # hospital # assetmanagement # ABRT-RL

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